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Writer's pictureStephanie Márquez-Villafañe

People of Perth Amboy: Meet Justin Ross

Many of you may remember the name Justin Ross from your November 2019 election ballot but do you know the man behind the name?

I met Justin mid-last year through a common acquaintance. When he first walked into the room he was a quiet, inquisitive person. I could tell he did not know much about the topic of the meeting but he was ready and eager to learn! Over the course of the months between then and now I have experienced Justin in a wide array of scenarios. I witnessed his growth through some good times and some bad. What I like most about Justin is that we can talk about anything in the conversation book! That and the fact that he’s always ready to learn something new! He’s a young family oriented man who is full of amazing stories from different moments. Together, this collection of past life experiences mixed with the newer life adventures shape a man destined to make a change in his hometown- Perth Amboy.

Readers, meet Justin Ross.

Ross is of Scottish and Danish descent. Four generations of Rosses have lived in Perth Amboy. I asked Justin a multitude of questions. These were his responses…

MÁRQUEZ-VILLAFAÑE: Those who know you (or know of you) know that you’re a teacher. What inspired you to become an educator?

ROSS: Books inspired me. Young people. Imagination. Helping the most vulnerable.

MÁRQUEZ-VILLAFAÑE: How would you say you give back to Perth Amboy?

ROSS: I literally give back by paying taxes. I am the proud owner of a home that’s been in my family for four (4) generations. My wife and I are also raising our daughters to appreciate the city and its community. I am currently a Trustee on the Board of the Perth Amboy Public Library. This past year I was a candidate for Perth Amboy’s School Board and am a current candidate for the position for the year 2021. On top of this, I’ve been involved with the Citizen’s Campaign which empowers citizens to influence local lawmakers for positive change.

MÁRQUEZ-VILLAFAÑE: You weren’t born here but you were raised here. At one point in your life you left. What attracted you to come back to Perth Amboy?

ROSS: Family brought me back- family and nostalgia. It’s part of my DNA- the good and the bad- it feels like home.

MÁRQUEZ-VILLAFAÑE: Looking back at your time in Perth Amboy, what would you say is one of your top favorite memories?

ROSS: Hurricane Gloria on the waterfront with my father and sister is one. Another would be playing Wiffle Ball games at the old Rose A. Galvin school. (The school once stood where Walgreens is located). Home plate was the Rose Galvin brick building and the home run fence was across the playground at a perfect distance. I’m pretty sure I was home run king.


Ross Fun Fact: Did you know Ross coached the baseball team for several years at the school he teaches at?

MÁRQUEZ-VILLAFAÑE: Who would you say is (or has been) your Perth Amboy inspiration? A Perth Amboy inspiration is someone who is somehow based or connected to Perth Amboy that you look up to. Someone who has helped build the mold so to speak.

ROSS: My paternal grandmother Edna Ross. She was born in Perth Amboy and remained a resident her entire life. She treated everybody with dignity and respect—if they deserved it. If she didn’t like you, you knew it. My grandmother always over tipped and took care of her own.

MÁRQUEZ-VILLAFAÑE: If there was one thing you could change about Perth Amboy, what would it be?

ROSS: For starters, we have a bad case of poor parking and too many cases of illegal housing. Our sewer system is outdated and needs to be updated. I also believe we need better and more parks / recreation spaces.

MÁRQUEZ-VILLAFAÑE: In your unique point of view, what would you say is one thing Perth Amboy is missing?

ROSS: Resident involvement. Residents should be much more involved in our city. We also need clean streets and walkable sidewalks. Both of these are critical for growth in Perth Amboy.

(Image on the right: Ross speaks to a member of the community during the 2018 campaigning season in which he ran for Board of Education.)

MÁRQUEZ-VILLAFAÑE: In your eyes, what unique/special role do you play in the making and shaping of this community?

ROSS: Raising awareness about the local issues, voting locally first, studying all the candidates running for office (and informing the voters on who they are), attending to City Council meetings and Board of Education meetings (or watching them when I can't be there in person), participating in PTO meetings, teaching my daughters responsibility, community involvement and the value of helping others. We also work to get our girls involved through programs like the Girl Scouts, Tae Kwon Do, swimming and some other programs through the YMCA and beyond.

MÁRQUEZ-VILLAFAÑE: What are your top goals for Perth Amboy in five years?

ROSS: I'd say to modernize the sewer system and ensure completion of the high school happens on time. Furthermore, we need to improve student preparedness for college and the future, develop the Dual Language program and secure legitimate contracts for ALL staff EVERY year.

MÁRQUEZ-VILLAFAÑE: What would you say is Perth Amboy’s hidden gem?

ROSS: The Ferry Slip!! And the Live At The Ferry Slip Music concert series!

(Image on the left: Ross and his youngest daughter attending one of this past summers Live at the Ferry Slip events!)

MÁRQUEZ-VILLAFAÑE: What's the one thing you wish more people participated in or knew existed in Perth Amboy?

ROSS: We need more family representation at School Board meetings and any other city meetings in general. This includes coming out to vote in all elections and applying to open public positions on city boards, all boards.

MÁRQUEZ-VILLAFAÑE: What would your ideal Perth Amboy look like in 20 years (or when I become your age)?

ROSS: (Laughs) We'd finally have a new sewer system, a greater school system with facilities able to handle the growing and changing population, a cleaner Raritan Bay, development on the waterfront (but the good kind), 4 way stop signs on all residential streets. Perth Amboy would be pedestrian/bike-friendly with more parks and green space, and fewer warehouses and parking lots.

MÁRQUEZ-VILLAFAÑE: What’s something you wish more people knew about Perth Amboy?

ROSS: It’s within a stone’s throw of pretty much every major highway of New Jersey. Location, location, location!

MÁRQUEZ-VILLAFAÑE: What message would you want to share with the people of Perth Amboy?

ROSS: Vote for me in 2021. (Laughs) Seriously.. I was raised in Amboy, and came back to raise my own family here so I’m invested and committed to its success.

MÁRQUEZ-VILLAFAÑE: What message would you want the people outside of Perth Amboy to receive?

ROSS: Stop knocking Perth Amboy! We are in a position of growth and our strength lies in our cultural diversity, geography, and business opportunities- which are unequaled in Middlesex County.

Lighting Round / Fast Facts


MÁRQUEZ-VILLAFAÑE: What’s your favorite color?

ROSS: Orange

MÁRQUEZ-VILLAFAÑE: What is (or are) your favorite book(s)?

ROSS: Breakfast of Champions (Kurt Vonnegut), To Kill a Mockingbird (Harper Lee), Between the World and Me (Ta-Nehisi Coates) and Hotel New Hampshire (John Irving)

MÁRQUEZ-VILLAFAÑE: How has being a teacher in Newark- that lives in Perth Amboy- influenced the way you and Graciela (Justin's wife) raise the girls?

ROSS: Routine and structure make teaching and parenting easier. Teaching is nothing like parenting, yet it is.

MÁRQUEZ-VILLAFAÑE: If you could create one thing (object, sound, scent, etc.) specific to Perth Amboy, what would it be? It can be any item? What would you call it?

ROSS: The Perth Amgirl!! (It'd be the Perth Amboy version of the American Girl Dolls). My father would always tell us about how Perth Amboy got its name. The Lord of Perth landed from Scotland and was met by Native Americans. They pointed at his kilt and said "Perth am Girl!" And he said "No! No! Perth am Boy!" I'm pretty sure it's 100% true. (Laughs)

(Side Note: At the time of this posting we actually have no idea if this is true haha. If you know, please let us know!)

MÁRQUEZ-VILLAFAÑE: What is a personal goal you have for yourself for completion over the next five years?

ROSS: I want to improve my piano playing and increase my net worth.

MÁRQUEZ-VILLAFAÑE: What’s your favorite Perth Amboy activity or spot?

ROSS: The waterfront, Bayside Creamery, the boats, walking the piers, the Victorian houses on High Street (especially when the trees and plants are in full bloom), 4th of July fireworks.


MÁRQUEZ-VILLAFAÑE: What is one fun fact more people should know about you? (Brace yourself for this response. If you have a weak stomach or are eating food, maybe consider jumping to the next question).

ROSS: I spent a month in the Amazon Rain Forest with an indigenous tribe eating giant biting ants and wild boar, and...gulp...tasted monkey.

MÁRQUEZ-VILLAFAÑE: Wow! That's really interesting. I'd love to hear more about the experience at a later time (maybe without the monkey part haha). Do you have a final thought that you'd like to share with the world?

ROSS: I do. Education is one of the most important tools in raising the next generation. Educators deserve as much respect as doctors and other professionals. Do that by building great public schools.

While a lot has been learned about Justin Ross, there's still a lot left to uncover. Ross continues to stay involved and attend community events, engage his family and teach. He holds his family close while also exposing the path that leads to becoming better citizens of Perth Amboy. He's maintained his position as the Faculty Chair of the English Department at St. Benedict's Prep in Newark and a seat on a municipal board. Ross is an open book. He's ready to have some of the written parts read and work with others to write the rest. Luckily, this young husband and father is ready to continue to work today for a better and brighter tomorrow. Justin Ross is young, inspired, hopeful and optimistic. He's learning, growing, reaching and teaching. He's also my running mate for November 2021.

(Image above: Justin Ross, his wife Graciela and their two daughters at National Night Out Summer 2019.)


Required Disclaimers: This interviewee was informed by the interviewer, SMV, that the interview questions and responses would be published on public and private forums. The interviewee was fully made aware of his/her rights. The interviewer makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of this information. The interviewer will not be liable for any errors or omissions in the information provided by the interviewee. The interviewer will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of the information provided by the interviewee. These terms and conditions are subject to change at any time and without public notice.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any agency of the U.S. government, any affiliated organization or the Perth Amboy Board of Education. Examples of analysis performed within this article are only examples. They should not be utilized in real-world analytic products as they are based only on very limited and dated open source information. Assumptions made within the analysis are not reflective of the position of any U.S. government entity, organization, company, educational institution, employer or any other affiliates, including but not limited to, the IRB and Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico.

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